IRD (Inland Revenue Department) Number
The IRD number is made up of eight or nine digits which is the reference for your own unique record of personal details along with tax paid and tax rate entitlements.
The process of obtaining an IRD number is not difficult but it can take time. It will take even longer if you don't have everything you need before you start or miss something out. Here we give you a step-by-step guide so that you can see at a glance all that is required to make the process as painless as possible.
1. The Bank Account Bit
All temporary workers from overseas who hold a working holiday visa must have a bank account and not just any old bank account but one which is deemed to be 'a fully functional New Zealand bank account'. In non-official speak this means an account into which deposits can be made and from which you can withdraw money. Additionally your identity must have been confirmed during the process of opening the bank account in accordance with New Zealand law pertaining to anti-money laundering and the 'Countering Financing of Terrorism Act'. The bank account must have been set up and fully functioning BEFORE you apply for an IRD number. Read our guide to opening a bank account.
The helpful folk at the IRD have even produced a form with a somewhat of a mouthful title of 'Documents to confirm your New Zealand bank account is fully functional' or rather more simply an IR984 form. This form lists exactly what is needed for a bank account to be deemed 'fully functional'.
Full details of this part of the process can be found here.
2. The Applying Bit
During the process of applying for an IRD number you might hear the terms 'international customer' and 'offshore person'. If you are in possession of a working holiday visa or other temporary student or work visa, this means you.
The next step after setting up your New Zealand bank account is to apply. The easiest and fastest way is to do it online. If not you’ll neeed to fill in the IRD number application form known as an IR742. This four page document can be completed on-screen and then printed off. The first two pages are information – including exactly what documentation will be required to support your application on page one - and step-by-step idiot notes of how to complete the form on page two. The other two pages are straightforward basic details which include such things as your name, address etc.
3. The Making Sure You've Got All the Information You Need Bit
Knowing what you need before beginning the process means there will be no delays in your application process and you can make copies of any documents you need if you are applying using the paper process when it is most convenient to you.
When applying online you will need
- Your passport
- Your Immigration NZ Visa Application number (this is shown on your visa approval letter – don’t use your visa number)
- Proof of your bank account to upload
- Your Taxpayer’s identification number - If you have previously paid tax in any country you will need to show proof of this. This will be in the form of a taxpayer identification number (TIN) which goes by different names in different countries. New Zealand's TIN is the IRD number. In the UK it is called PAYE number. If you don’t have one you need to give a reason why.
When using the paper IRD number application you will need copies of some of your important documents at the same time. Make sure your copies are clear and legible or again, your application process might be delayed while you are asked to provide better copies.
What you will need copies of
- Photographic identification – This is most typically a copy of your passport information page – the one where your photo is.
- Proof of permanent address - Proof of your current or last address (can be from your home country) in the form of an official bill or bank/credit card statement for example or a copy of your driver's licence (where there is an address shown).
- Taxpayer’s identification number
- Work visa - A copy of your work visa or any written job offer which is used to prove the purpose of your stay in New Zealand.
4. The Sending in the Form Bit
Once you have completed your form check and then double check you have all the supporting documentation required AND you've remembered to include it. Don't forget to sign and date the application form too.
If you are in NZ when applying and are using the paper form take it and originals and copies of the documents mentioned above to a branch of:
- Automobile Association (AA) Driver Licensing Agent
- PostShop
If you are overseas at the time you submit the form you can send an email copy plus all supporting documents as attachments to [email protected] or alternatively post it to Inland Revenue, P O Box 39010, Wellington Mail Centre 5045, New Zealand.
So, in summary, here are your four steps to getting an IRD number