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New Zealand Travel Tips & Questions

Do I need to register my vehicle?

Once you have bagged yourself a car or camper-van to be your trusty companion for the weeks or months ahead you will need to complete a name transfer and registration.

Luckily this is super straightforward and only requires a few minutes of your time and a few dollars. All you need to do is take some form of ID (passport or driving license) along to a PostShop or NZTA approved agent and complete a quick form called 'Notice by person acquiring motor vehicle' (MR13B). NZTA agents are the AA, Vehicle Inspection New Zealand (VINZ) or Vehicle Testing New Zealand (VTNZ). There is a small fee to pay too – currently NZ$9.

If you don't complete this process you can be liable for a fine of NZ$1000 as well as being legally responsible for any of the previous owner's parking fines, speeding fines, traffic violations or outstanding road user charges which can be costly.

Check out our guide to buying a car.