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New Zealand Travel Tips & Questions

What mobile phone networks are there?

New Zealand has several choices when it comes to mobile phone networks and just as is the case with these kind of options elsewhere in the world quite which is best fluctuates if not on a day-by-day basis then at least on a month-by-month one. Another factor of course will be your own personal needs and what you will be using your phone for.

The big three tower-owners in New Zealand are Spark, Vodafone and 2Degrees but there are also a further variety of other companies which piggyback off the larger set-ups (using the same towers and networks) while offering packages and  discounted prices. These piggyback companies are Compass, Skinny and Slingshot which use the Spark network and Warehouse Mobile which uses the 2Degrees' network.

Between these choices there is pretty much something to suit every kind of budget and all kinds of personal needs while offering a choice of ways and payment options to get yourself connected.