How can I meet other travellers?
It is almost impossible to move around New Zealand and not meet other travellers especially if you intend to stay in hostels. Many people, especially those travelling alone, use hostels not just for somewhere to sleep but as a means of getting together with like-minded people.
Another great way to meet fellow travellers is to get involved in some work either paid or voluntary. The fruit picking jobs are mainly filled by travellers wanting to earn a few dollars and many of the voluntary placements connected with conservation and nature also seem to attract travellers of all ages.
The numerous bus companies which run between the many tourist attractions and offer cheap, hop-on/hop-off passes such as Kiwi Experience and the Magic Travellers network are usually full of young independent travellers and backpackers of every nationality.
Booking any sort of tour, boat trip or experience is likely to throw you together with other travellers and if you are on your own, especially if you are open and happy looking, many people will strike up a conversation with you. In some ways, travelling as a single person gives you far more chances of meeting others than travelling as a couple or group.