If you’ve ever fancied creating your own thermal bath in the middle of a beautiful beach you are going to love Hot Water Beach.

If you’ve ever fancied creating your own thermal bath in the middle of a beautiful beach you are going to love Hot Water Beach.
Choosing worthy candidates for a ‘best hikes’ list in a country which has literally thousands crowding at the door – each with their own valid arguments for inclusion – is an almost impossible task. There are those which register as an open-to-all pleasant ramble for a few hours amid stunning scenery to those which last for days and could be considered hardcore by the tramping fraternity. And of course endless possibilities in between.
Along with its untouched wilderness, iconic landscapes, ancient heritage and unique wildlife, New Zealand will also be forever remembered as the place people began tossing themselves off bridges, buildings and viaducts. Forget your misgivings over the wisdom of it, just choose one of many of many structures from which to dive, and let gravity do the rest.